The school has a specialist Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator (SENCo). This is Mrs Xaviera Bodkin. She works part time and is in school every Thursday. She can be contacted by phone via the school office, but because she works part time, it is advisable to do so via email. Her address is:
Special Educational Needs and Disability
A child has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.
St Peter’s Church of England Primary School is committed to providing an inclusive education for all young people, regardless of ability, gender, language, ethnic or cultural origin. We work effectively with a wide variety of agencies and individuals to focus on improving outcomes for all children with Special Educational Needs.
At St Peter’s Primary School we are committed to:
- Raising the standards of attainment for all SEND students through a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum that is differentiated to meet individual learning styles.
- Creating a climate where all staff are aware that they are responsible for students with SEND and plan their lessons accordingly
Please see our SEND Report giving details about what St Peter’s Primary School offers children with special educational needs.
St Peters SEN Report November 2024.pdf
Kent SEND Local Offer
Have you heard of the Local Offer? You can use this as a base to find information, support and services for children from 0-25 with special educational needs and disabilities and their families.
Find out about Kent SEND Local Offer
Other services and support available to Parents and Carers of Children and Young People with SEND can be found here: Kent PACT
SEND Mainstream Core Standards MCS Guide Parent Version