St Peter's Church of England Primary School

House System

At St Peter’s we operate a very popular School House system. The children are divided into four House teams, Cossington (red group), Friars (green group), Medway (yellow group) and Kewlands (blue group). Siblings are always placed in the same house.

The children receive house points for good work and good behaviour. Each week, the house points are counted and the winner is announced in assembly. The cumulative points are kept and we have an overall winner each term.

Each house has its own captain and vice-captain, who are elected from Year 6 by their class mates. All of the staff are also members of the different houses. Only Mr Holditch is kept outside of this to ensure that he isn't tempted to announce the wrong winners at sports day. We have a sports day each summer and the winning house receives a trophy.

Each of the four houses is associated with one of the patron saints of the four countries making up the UK – Cossington has St George; Friars - St Patrick; Medway - St David, and Kewlands - St Andrew. On the patron saint’s feast day, the members of that particular house come to school out of uniform and wearing their house colour. They congregate at the flag pole at some stage during the day and raise their saint's flag.